If you are working on a project where you have multiple sites, or where you want to process the data in different batches, we can process those individual directories within a loop. A quirk of microsoft DOS is that if you are looping, you do not include all code within a loop, rather you create a loop that defines your global variables like %f_in% %f_out%
etc, then call the code you’d like to run using the :<CODEBLOCK NAME>
A rule for looping is that we first need to include the following at the start of the script.
for loopWe need to tell the program to loop over multiple subdirectories. The method I tend to use is to first create a .txt
file that has the names of each directory you want to process. These are then used to iterate each loop. This happens in the following lines:
::Create List of folders for looping through
::if you have more than 1 location to process, lines 1-27 are needed
dir /b /a:d D:\Sites >> locations.txt
This code specifies the Root directory we are using (D:\Sites
) and lists all subdirectories into a file called locations.txt
In order for this to work, you need to make sure that your folder hierarchy is correct. See the example below, where the locations.txt
file would have the names Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4
# Example folder structure
├── Site1
├── Site2
├── Site3
└── Site4
IMPORTANT - If you run this code more than once it will repeat the names of your subdirectories into the same file. This means it will process folders multiple times. My advice is:
file and delete everything other than first folder).txt
for accuracy and comment out these lines before you run it over your intended subdirectoriesNow that we have our .txt
file with locations of our data we want to process we can set up the loop. Ive split the loop up into sections to outline what each do.
Here we define a for loop. We use the for /f
command and specify that the delimeters (demlims
) are spaces because there are spaces between Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4
within our text file. %%a
is the variable that is being defined in the loop from our locations.txt
file - i.e. in the first iteration %%a = Site1
, second iteration %%a = Site2
In simple language the loop can be read like this:
Loop over each string in
and set that string to%%a
::Use folder list to process
for /f "delims= " %%a in (locations.txt) do (
Given that our folder locations are changing for each loop iteration, we need to define the global environments each time. In this case we need to set f_in
and f_out
to the path locations, where %%a
is the subdirectory we are looping on.
I also like to set the location name to a variable loc
so i can include it in file output names like DTM_Site1.tif
:: Set global environments
set f_in=G:\Sites\%%a\raw
set f_out=G:\Sites\%%a
set loc=%%a
set cores=8
The final part of the loop is to call the code we want to run and close the loop. This is very straight forward. Notice the :las
after the closing bracket of the loop. This is the marker that is being called using call :las
this means that all the code after :las
outside of the loop will be processed.
call :las
Here is what the code looks like together with the example given in the previous example script.
::Tristan Goodbody -- goodbody.t@alumni.ubc.ca
::Create List of folders for looping through
::if you have more than 1 location to process, lines 1-27 are needed
REM dir /b /a:d D:\tutorial\Sites >> locations.txt
REM pause
::Use folder list to process
for /f "delims= " %%a in (locations.txt) do (
:: Set global environments
set f_in=D:\tutorial\Sites\%%a\raw
set f_out=D:\tutorial\Sites\%%a
set loc=%%a
set cores=8
call :las
:: processing stream
:: if a folder doesnt already exist -> make that folder
IF NOT EXIST %f_out% MKDIR %f_out%
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\~_reports MKDIR %f_out%\~_reports
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\01_tile MKDIR %f_out%\01_tile
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\02_optimized MKDIR %f_out%\02_optimized
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\03_class MKDIR %f_out%\03_class
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\04_norm MKDIR %f_out%\04_norm
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\05_raster\dtm MKDIR %f_out%\05_raster\dtm
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\05_raster\dsm MKDIR %f_out%\05_raster\dsm
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\05_raster\chm MKDIR %f_out%\05_raster\chm
IF NOT EXIST %f_out%\05_raster\den MKDIR %f_out%\05_raster\den
::Info about data
lasinfo -i %f_in%\*.laz ^
-cd ^
-stdout ^
-odir %f_out%\~_reports ^
-otxt ^
-cores %cores%
::Tile 500m - flag buffered points as withheld for simple drop later
lastile -i %f_in%\*.laz ^
-tile_size 500 ^
-buffer 10 ^
-flag_as_withheld ^
-odir %f_out%\01_tile ^
-olaz ^
-cores %cores%
:: Optimize las
lasoptimize -i %f_out%\01_tile\*.laz ^
-odir %f_out%\02_optimized ^
-cores %cores%
::Generate boundary shapefile
REM lasboundary -i %f_out%\02_optimized\*.laz -drop_withheld -merged -o %f_out%\boundary.shp
lasnoise -i %f_out%\02_optimized\*.laz ^
-step 2 ^
-isolated 3 ^
-odix _denoised ^
-olaz ^
-cores %cores%
::Classify ground
lasground -i %f_out%\02_optimized\*_denoised.laz ^
-odir %f_out%\03_class ^
-olaz ^
-cores %cores%
::Normalize height
lasheight -i %f_out%\03_class\*_denoised.laz ^
-replace_z ^
-odir %f_out%\04_norm ^
-olaz ^
-cores %cores%
:: make DTM
blast2dem -i %f_out%\03_class\*_denoised.laz ^
-keep_class 2 ^
-step 1 ^
-use_tile_bb ^
-odix _dtm ^
-obil ^
-odir %f_out%\05_raster\dtm ^
-kill 200 ^
-cores %cores%
::merge DTM .bil files
lasgrid -i %f_out%\05_raster\dtm\*.bil -merged ^
-step 1 ^
-false ^
-o %f_out%\05_raster\DTM_%loc%.png
:: make DSM
blast2dem -i %f_out%\03_class\*_denoised.laz ^
-step 1 ^
-kill 200 ^
-use_tile_bb ^
-odix _dsm ^
-obil ^
-odir %f_out%\05_raster\dsm ^
-cores %cores%
::merge DSM .bil files
lasgrid -i %f_out%\05_raster\dsm\*.bil -merged ^
-step 1 ^
-false ^
-o %f_out%\05_raster\DSM_%loc%.png
:: make CHM
lasgrid -i %f_out%\04_norm\*.laz ^
-max ^
-first_only ^
-step 1 ^
-odir %f_out%\05_raster\chm ^
-odix _chm ^
-obil ^
-cores %cores%
lasgrid -i %f_out%\05_raster\chm\*.bil -merged ^
-step 1 ^
-false ^
-o %f_out%\05_raster\CHM_%loc%.png
:: Compute density image
lasgrid -i %f_out%\04_norm\*.laz ^
-step 1 ^
-point_density_16bit ^
-odir %f_out%\05_raster\den ^
-odix _den -obil ^
-cores %cores%
:: tif
lasgrid -i %f_out%\05_raster\den\*.bil -merged ^
-step 1 ^
-o %f_out%\05_raster\density_allreturns_.tif
:: png
lasgrid -i %f_out%\05_raster\den\*.bil -merged ^
-step 1 ^
-false -set_min_max 0 5 ^
-o %f_out%\05_raster\density_allreturns_0_5_%loc%.png
:: Compute structural metrics
lascanopy -i %f_out%\04_norm\*.laz ^
-merged ^
-p 10 25 50 75 99 ^
-step 20 ^
-o %f_out%\05_raster\struc.tif